name. Mary (Kibou)
band. Jersey
lyric. "A pint glass awaits to drown my sins" (Saturday Night)
visit. c-minor.org?

Mary is one of those people who can truly capture the "classic" feel in all her designs. Whether it's working with monochrome layouts or creating 7 different layouts at a time, M has the ability to draw you in with everything she does with a finese that is rarely seen nowadays. An amazing designer and even more amazing person, I'm truly glad that I am able to know her and she has become, not only an inspiration, but someone I hold very dear. The queen of gray layouts and fellow music junkie, M is a joy to be around, simple as that.

Jersey for Mary is fitting because they were one of the bands that initially inspired alexisonfire and the same can be said of her. I remember her sites, back when I was first getting into fanlisings and I am continually influenced by her.






Alexisonfire are © themselves & Vagrant Records - no ownership is claimed; site content & design © Marie; this site is made completely for personal enjoyment and is not meant to infringe on any rights; Valid CSS & XHTML 1.0

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