

This section of over the moon is where you can join the fanlisting for Seiya, as indicated on the main page. Go through the rules, grab a code and join this listing if you're a fan of the pimp the Leader, because she deserves all the love she can get. This fanlisting is approved by The Anime Fanlistings Network and is listed under the category Characters: 0-M.

If you experience any problems joining the fanlisting, don't hesitate to contact me about it. If it's something you can do through one of the forms listed above...then use the forms? I do not guarantee your update form will not be deleted if you email it to me, rather than use the form provided.


Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter is © Takeuchi Naoko, Kodansha, Toei, & Bandai. - no ownership is claimed; site content & design © Marie; this site is made completely for personal enjoyment and is not meant to infringe on any rights; Valid CSS & XHTML 1.0

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