rules to join
- You must use a valid email address to join. If you don't, we can't add you.
- A website is not required, but if you do join with a site, please make sure a code is up,
prior to joining; if the code is not up when we go to add you, we will simply remove the website,
but you will still be added to the list.
- We reserve the right to edit crazy names (i.e. ReN'S GuRL, SailormoonLOL, Steven02988492)
so please keep this in mind. Nicknames are perfectly acceptable, but please be practical.
- Comments are not necessary, but we would love to know what you think of these two!
- For the codes - DO NOT DIRECT-LINK; upload to your own server.
That's all! Please enjoy the rest of your stay and join!
Mogami Kyoko & Tsuruga Ren are © Nakamura Yoshiki & Hana to Yume - no ownership is claimed; site content & design © Marie & Shal;
this site is made completely for personal enjoyment and is not meant to infringe on any rights; Valid CSS
& XHTML 1.0
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